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How Do I Get Involved?

奉献自己是你回馈母校最有力的方式之一. CUI校友会提供许多项目,你可以参与其中,并在校园内提供你的声音和专业知识.

Volunteer to greet new students & families!

Photos & 送别花车(8月):在学生和他们的家人告别之前,用传统的塑料CUI杯为他们提供传统的沙士花车! There’s also a fun photo booth for that final selfie together.


Eat & Greet Alumni Panel (October & April): Network with current students, 指导他们在毕业前的求职之旅, resume writing, relationships, and more!

返校节(1月/ 2月):在这个充满回忆和乐趣的令人兴奋的日子里,帮助计划和活动!

Senior Send Off (May): Enjoy a meal & 与即将毕业的学生和他们的家人在他们跨入人生的下一个阶段之前建立友谊!

请致电949-241-3178或发送电子邮件联系校友办公室获取更多信息 [email protected].

你想帮你的毕业班组织一次同学聚会吗? If so, please email [email protected].

你是不是加入了俱乐部,想再见到你的朋友? Want to reminisce with friends from your residence hall? Visit CUI Connect 加入在线社区,并与分享您经验的学生重新联系. Also, email [email protected] and let us know! We can help you organize your reunion.

Host a "Dine with Alum" Event!
如果你住在离学校30分钟的地方,你可以自愿为CUI的学生举办晚宴. As the host of "Dine with an Alum" you may choose the time, date and number of students you wish to host, and the Alumni office will take care of your guest list. 你可以选择接待一组特定的学生,比如Inreach, 或者你可以在一个特定的学科或专业接待学生. 这是一个很好的机会,让你与在校学生见面,并亲身了解校园里正在发生的变化.

Host a Regional Event!
Do you live far from campus? Other alumni do too! If you are interested in hosting, or simply being involved in a regional event in your area, please let us know. 我们非常有兴趣听取目前居住在洛杉矶的校友的意见, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Northern California, Palm Springs and St. Louis. We would love to help coordinate an event in your area!

Actively Pray for the CUI Community!
The Lord has blessed Concordia University in many ways. 我们祈求你们继续为我们的成长祈祷,为未来的教会工作者和商业领袖提供具有挑战性的教育. Your time and prayers are greatly appreciated!

How Can I Impact a Future Student?

No matter the donation, every dollar counts. 我们的母校是根据捐赠的校友人数排名的,而不是捐赠的金额. Together, we can make a difference in the life of future alumni!

What can your gift be used for?

任何数额的礼物对康考迪亚大学都是非常重要的! 这里有一些方法可以让你的捐款在科罗拉多大学发挥更大的作用:

  • 协助为体育项目购买新设备- $25
  • Purchase a book for the CU library - $50
  • The cost of career assessments for a CU student - $65
  • 图书馆额外开放一小时的费用是125美元
  • 额外资助一名学生校友奖学金,一年1000美元
  • Cost of a new computer in the computer lab - $1,200
  • The cost to pay the electric bill for one day at CU - $1,275
  • 一名本科生的教师指导费:5000美元
  • The cost to run the University for one day - $82,375
  • 捐款给有需要的学生奖学金基金-任何金额!

如果您希望您的礼物用于特定的领域,请让我们知道. Visit cui.你可以通过各种方式对未来的学生产生影响.

How Can I Leave a Legacy with an Alumni Brick or Locker?

最令人兴奋的方式之一,你可以做一个礼物给康考迪亚,并在校园留下你的名字是购买校友储物柜或砖. 你的名字将被刻在一块匾上安装在Borland-Manske中心的音乐储物柜上,捐款500美元. 校友砖被捐赠给博彩平台网址大全基金会100美元. 您的捐款将用于校友基金,支持学生奖学金和校友联系!

I need to order a transcript. How can I do that?

No problem! Visit the registrar, click on TRANSCRIPTS, and follow the prompts. You can also contact the Registrar directly at 949-214-3079 or [email protected].


We love showing our Concordia Pride! Send us an email to [email protected] to request some items. Please include:

  • Name
  • Class Year
  • School
  • Grade you teach

Items sent based on availability.

How do I join the Concordia Alumni Association (CUIAA)?

Once you earn a degree from Concordia University Irvine, 你会自动成为校友会的一员,并拥有“投票权”.” As a voting member, you are eligible to serve on the Alumni Board of Directors 对影响整个协会的议题和决定进行投票.

What if I haven’t earned a degree, but attended Concordia?

没有获得康考迪亚大学欧文分校学位的个人, but who meet at least one of the following criteria, shall be eligible for membership, may apply for non-voting membership status, 并可由董事会多数票指定.

  • All persons who have earned a certificate, credential, colloquy or other designation from Concordia University Irvine
  • 凡获康考迪亚大学欧文分校授予荣誉学位者
  • 所有对会员资格感兴趣的人,以及作为大学雇员或曾经为大学服务的人.
  • 选民关系处执行主任及校友处处长 & Family Relations shall be non-voting, ex officio members of the Association, if not a degree-holding alumnus/a.

Is there a cost to be a member of the CUIAA?

Nope! 成为会员是免费的,并且可以获得所有的好处和机会. Love giving back? So do we! 你可以把你的时间奉献给全年的各种活动(看每月的电子通讯)!), your TALENTS through CUI Connect, 和你的财富,以帮助学生完成他们的学位与年度校友奖学金 Alumni Fund.

作为校友会的成员,我的保险会给我一个折扣. How do I confirm I’m a member of the CUIAA?

A few ways!

  1. Email us the request at [email protected] 上面有你的名字、年级、邮寄地址、代理姓名、电子邮件和电话号码. We’ll take it from there!
  2. Give your agent our email: [email protected] and they can reach out directly.
  3. 让你的代理人打949-214-3176给我们口头确认你的会员资格吗.


Have a question not answered here? Reach out!

Tamara Sauer 2002届,MAOL 18届,年度捐赠和校友高级总监 & Family Engagement
[email protected]

Haley Marrujo, 14届,15届MBA,年度捐赠助理主任 & Alumni Engagement
[email protected]

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